Funny Insta-Famous Animals to Giggle Over All Day Long
Posted by Heady Pet on
- Tags: Famous Animals, Trends
The HeadyPet Print Guide: High Fashion Pet Accessories
Posted by Heady Pet on

Heady Pet has always been very committed at manufacturing the best products for animal-and-cannabis lovers. Snag the accessory which best fits their pet’s personality! Here are a few of the HeadyPet prints sure to spark a conversation at the dog park: Tie Dye Print Our tie dye pet gear is worth howling over. With our tie dye, your dog is bound to be the life of the party at any dog park. The harness features an adjustable Velcro strap, making it easier to fit with the collar size your dog wears. Simple wipe clean for minor cleaning, and wash using cold water with similar...
- Tags: Lifestyle, Pet Fashion, Weed Prints
If Your Pet Has Ingested Cannabis, Do This First
Posted by Glassheads Collaborator on
*Note: This article refers to cannabis with THC only; there are many products on the market containing CBD that are safe and healthy for your pet. It happens: You left your stash of edibles, concentrates or weed somewhere accessible, and your pet ate it. Do this first: Relax. Almost all cases of animal cannabis consumption are non-lethal, and panicking could further upset your pet. Move your pet to a safe, comfortable location. Assess the ABCs (airway, breathing, circulation). Assess symptoms for toxicosis (see below). If showing signs of toxicosis, get the animal to a vet ASAP. Do NOT give any home antidotes....
Why Does My Dog Need A Seat Belt?
Posted by Smoke Cartel on
Us dog parents are sometimes accused of humanizing our fur children a little too much. Fine, dressing them up in superhero costumes and serving their kibbles on fine china might be going a bit overboard. But there’s one area where treating your pup like a person is completely warranted: Wearing a seatbelt while riding in the car. Dogs are just as vulnerable to swerves and impact in the event of an accident, and are just as much at risk for injury and even death. Even minor fender benders can have terrible consequences for a pet that’s unrestrained: In a 30...
Small Independent Pet Stores Thrive with Unique Products
Posted by Smoke Cartel on
Independent shops like Rock Dog & Cat are flourishing as pet ownership increases, and cats and dog are viewed as relatives.Regulars dash to the little Eagle Rock pet shop to pick up pet treats or feathery kitty toys. They talk with owner Peter Berman and puppy Vinny, the store's greeter puppy.Pet shop owners point to odd goods as critical to their success.The growth is more than simply big-box shops. In 2009, the business introduced shops called Unleashed by Petco which are supposed to"answer the call of their clients who had been searching for a more compact footprint, locally concentrated neighborhood...